
Cartovore is, put simply, a computerized card game based solely and exclusively on vore.
But it's so much more than that.
The object of the game is to eat all of your enemy's girls. To this end, you have dozens of woman-eating monsters, countless magic spells (From the ever-useful school of Gastroteurgy) and the combined powers of your loyal servants, all eager to throw themselves into the jaws of the enemy for the cause. Your opponent, meanwhile, will have all the same powers and will be trying to eat said servants at every turn, so you must be swift and cunning to prevent yourself from ending up churning alongside your enemy's dinner.
The basic deck consists of over a hundred cards, all very blatantly vore-ish, and the game includes a full expansion editor for creating sets of entirely new cards to share with your fellow Voramancers. You can also create personalized 'players' with unique and persistant card decks, gaining new cards for them each time you are victorious. Add to this full built-in instructions for both gameplay and the card editor, and you've got no frickin' excuse not to download this.
Download this game. You'll be glad you did.

 Cartovore Program and Basic Deck (4 Megs)
Everything you need to play, now in a convenient self-extracting .exe.

 Update to version 1.032 (400k)
I'm only one man. As a result, I screw up plenty often, and I usually don't ever fix bugs until someone tells me about them.
Thus, there are occaisional upgrades. The current version is 1.032.
If your version is anything earlier than that, there's probably something wrong with it. Hell, if my experience is any indicator, there's probably something wrong with it anyway. (If you find a bug, send it to It's high time I fixed all the bugs in this thing instead of constantly trying to write a sequel.)
This is a replacement .exe you can unzip into your Cartovore directory that should fix everything.
At least, until you find something else wrong with it, in which case you should e-mail me and I'll fix it right quick.


Any expansions submitted shall be listed here along with their creators, so get crackin' on some cards!
(Remember to include the card graphics and the .vex file.)
To install expansions, just unzip them into the Cartovore directory and select an install option from the expansion menu.

 Vorish Moon Expansion (450k)
By Duamutef
The first expansion deck for Cartovore, Vorish Moon includes 29 assorted cards. I made this one and it has the fewest cards of any expansion. I am officially proud of my fanbase. Pat yourselves on the backs, guys, you've upstaged me.

Throku Expansion (550k)
By Throku
Not only does Throku have the distinction of having created the first expansion deck that wasn't by me, but he's also the one who
pointed out to me how hideously dysfunctional the card editor was (And was patient enough to keep pointing out that the new versions I kept making were also screwed up). Not only that, but he's made an excellent set of cards. Worship him.
The Throku expansion contains 50 cards.

Shadowhop Hentai Expansion (2.5 freakin' megs)
By Shadowhop
Holy crap. Apparently I've had this ridiculously large expansion sitting on my hard drive for like a freakin' YEAR. As you can guess by the name, this is a hentai-themed set with over 150 cards, including some new and interesting card dynamics.

City of Vore (550k)
By Shadowhop
Another expension by the prodigous Shadowhop. Contains 40 cards.

Vorish Sun (350k)
By Jared
Named as a counterpart to Vorish moon, the Vorish Sun expansion contains 35 new cards.

Consumed, Part 1 (1 MB)
By Zombie Slave
46 new cards! Yay!

Consumed, Part 2 (930k)
By Zombie Slave
42 MORE new cards! Yay!

 Expansion Card Template (1.1 Meg)
This is the photoshop file that I use when making new cards. It has everything already set up
as layers--all you need to do is put the picture in and change the captions. It's in .psd format.

If you need to get Cartovore out of the Start Menu, lest your boss find it, here's how: Right-click on the Start button, click on "Explore", double-click on "Programs", then find the shortcut to Cartovore and delete it (By right-clicking on it and hitting "Delete"). Voila! You should still be able to play it just by running Cartovore.exe from the directory it's installed in (Default is C:\Cartovore).
Happy Ingesting!

Questions, Comments and Submissions should be sent to Duamutef at
 E-Mail Duamutef/Submit An Expansion

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