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Registered Posts: 1
| Cartovore 2 bugs
So, I've been making massive changes to the .txt files, and one thing I've noticed is that the behavior of actions targeted at "self" is not consistent; sometimes commands which don't include "my" will be directed at the acting card, and sometimes not. Problems can be avoided by always using the "my", but this seems to be part of a pattern of somewhat tricky targeting. For example, when I added some "self" effects to strength, I sometimes found characters attacking themselves with their attack actions, despite any "reqenemy" and "reqnotme" I might try to use in the actual attack effect to discourage them. Again, in what is perhaps overkill, I've simply made sure never to use "self" actions and "targetcard" actions in the same trait, but it seems like that shouldn't be necessary.
6-8-2007 06:49PM
Aspiring God of Vore
Administrator Posts: 72
Indeed, it shouldn't. We'll have to see if it still happens once version 2.1 is out; it has a major upgrade to the card effects engine, so bugs that existed in the original may no longer be there. It's also possible that they're part of a different bug that I've already fixed. If not, let me know and I'll hunt them down. (2.1 should be out in a week or so)
6-9-2007 05:44PM
Revx Z
Registered Posts: 11
A week? Nifty! I've been playing with the last new version a bit now, and it's already an improvement over the previous.
While on the subject of bugs, Giant Faerie Honey works even if you don't have the monsters to pay for it.
6-10-2007 09:35AM
Registered Posts: 3
| 2.1 is very cool
I've been playin the new version. It's quite an improvement for sure! The resources work as they're supposed to which is excellent. Some of the cards, especially the ones for Hagatha seem to be missing a great number of images. And I don't seem to be able to get those cards in the base set either. Though I have gotten an angel with no picture.
Whenever I click on one of Hagatha's no picture cards I get a bunch of errors that end with a runtime 481 error. That seems to be the most major bug I've found. A more minor one being that the card Iron Weapon boosts my strength every turn instead of just the one time, and it's also working twice for some reason. (i.e. first turn it boosts 4 then 4 next turn totalling 8, then 12 etc.)
If this is useful I'll keep posting more bugs, but I wanna know that what I'm saying is being seen.
Oh and Shells is really fun to read btw. Heck I would read it even without the vore.
P.S. Looking over the game files, it appears that I can't access a number of the enemies too. I can fight (after having beaten every enemy) Jalara, Chanelle, Fayzee, Hagatha, Sandy Sailheart, Lilly Snowfeather, Gizaga, and Lady Amareta(sp?). I miss enemies :(
Last edited by Xenodeus on 6-28-2007 02:30PM
6-28-2007 04:03AM
Registered Posts: 10
wow that was strange i had to refresh the page to get it to show 2_1 's download... sad thing is i delete all the history on my pc at least once a month... all temporary internet files and stuff to keep it running...
i think it was a norton 360 problem...
I had to go do a restore sicne alot of webpages kept showing up fraudulent content found with stupid norton 360... its been hapenning alot on aryion.com and stuff... I think someones reporting sites to the server just to be a jerk...
it seems to happen like... 1 out of 20 page views on aryion.com right now... it even happened on a couple deviant art pages... all containing vore XD
Last edited by wsensor on 6-28-2007 11:40PM
6-28-2007 11:40PM
Registered Posts: 3
| P.P.S
They were all just in the wrong folder. I found a file that seems to contain data for Hagatha's deck, and another thing that looks like an extra set for the game. None of the cards mentioned in the files "HSCVDecks_All.txt" and "SteelStomachs.txt" are functioning, as far as I can tell. (I.E. I haven't seen any of them, and the ones in hscvdecks have no pictures.)
Also, some fainted characters appear to be eating other characters at times. And My Crystal gurglemeister keeps pulling enemies out of my characters stomachs, when she isn't even in them :-/. Traitorous wench.
Thank you so much for this game. I play this game way too much for my own good.
6-30-2007 06:26PM
Registered Posts: 10
oh i noticed that the enemy sometimes gets like 900000 cards or what seems like 900000 cards and i will have nothing at all XD
me player + 2 girls...
player 5 girls 90000 monster scale card??? well not that many but like 23 of em... on the 2nd turn...
7-1-2007 12:34AM
Aspiring God of Vore
Administrator Posts: 72
Which enemy was it?
7-4-2007 06:55PM
Registered Posts: 10
umm 2 of the different unlockable enemies... it hasnot happened since the first time though... the 2nd one had a whole lotta hp and loved to use swords non stop... swordmaster...???
but used like 6 or more per turn
7-5-2007 01:22AM
Aspiring God of Vore
Administrator Posts: 72
That would be Fallen. Her ability is to duplicate any weapon card she plays, her deck is mostly weapons, and her heart generation starts out really high. So she'll basically spam you with weapons from the very beginning.
7-5-2007 07:59PM
Registered Posts: 10
i had to cheat my player card to have 1650 to be able to last pass 5 turns... she really kills you quickly...
realllly quickly... T_T ouch... eh trying to get the new 2.12 version... but the download doesn't work and just last night I downloaded the 2.11 T_T and already before i could even play 2.12 is out... haha so I am just gonna get the update and install it to the same folder as the 2.11 one is going in... ifit dont work i will just wait till the full 2.12 is out
7-6-2007 03:01AM
Aspiring God of Vore
Administrator Posts: 72
If you have 2.11 then all you need to download is the 2.12 exe.
7-6-2007 06:29PM
Registered Posts: 3
Hi, im getting "run-time error `13`:Type mismatch" after i leave cardshop and game crashes. when i restart it happens again when i try to choose that profile again...
Any advice? i had seem to have same problem with earlier version too :(
7-7-2007 10:22AM
Aspiring God of Vore
Administrator Posts: 72
Did you uninstall the previous version first?
7-7-2007 12:42PM
Registered Posts: 3
yes, i uninstalled all files before new version and i tried to reinstall this but it didnt help. Run-time error `13`:Type mismatch comes allways after i bought any starterpack and i click "end game" in cardshop and after that it crashes allways in this same thing when i click my profile to start playing
7-7-2007 03:47PM
Aspiring God of Vore
Administrator Posts: 72
*string of profanities*
Does it give you any messages before it crashes? I rigged it so it's supposed to tell you which function caused the crash before it goes down.
7-8-2007 12:30AM
Registered Posts: 3
hmm, actually it gives this "error in quickstart" before runtime error... forgot that one
7-8-2007 03:53AM
Registered Posts: 6
Cartomancer 2.12 started playing last night.
1) Serious error with regards to the wall class structures. Causes a CompileEffect error to be thrown and causes the damage implentation of the team that did not play it to be lost in all cases. Sometimes eliminates the other players turn entirely. (also is thrown several dozen times per turn)
2) Inconsistant actions with regards to certain targeted spells. Shrink spell occasionally targets a random team member. Power overwhelming if sent without a target causes main character to eat self. Untagreted general damage spells (ie: blaze) strikes team members once a sizeable team is built.
3) Somehow attacked the player number marker. Jennifer ate the player number marker......
4) If both sides use the same main character (ie: Sara Shan) game never completes. Girls will not attack enemy main character in this case. Add on Outer Wall for a game that never changes again.
Correction to 4: Sara Shan is never targeted for direct damage even when she is the only thing on the field after all cards have been played. Also she does not appear to attack.
5) More an irritant, the shuffle algorithms loves to provided all the magic in the deck to the human player without a singel creature for turns at a time, then gives creatures in order of cost descending.
6) If a card has a broken image, trying to play that card in an actual game causes a "render error" or something like that, then the game unexpectedly exits (technical way of saying crashes)
7) Some creatures like Sea girl and Nesrine, cause resousces to sub stancially drop for a turn before returning to normal. Nothing on the card represents this effect so I list it here.
8) Jessica Lynn always eats player card. The card seems to imply the player is given control of this ability. Further, various other weird effects occur like sara still being able to use magical swords and what not against enemies. Becomes an endless cyle of eat, barf up, eat.
9) Inconsistant stating of if someone is swallowed (ie: one card will say something to the effect, the other won't)
.....10) Lilly has on the order of 60 firebolts without duplication spells is this correct?
11) Sea girl cost is listed as 2 Monster. She plays as if her cost is 1
12) Jennifer (the steel belly) eats strange things like the player icon.... and enchanted armors.....
Last edited by genuis101 on 7-8-2007 04:52PM
7-8-2007 12:35PM
Aspiring God of Vore
Administrator Posts: 72
Sara Shan specifically is invincible in 2.12 due to a glitch in the targeting system.
2.13 fixes that, and also fixes the problem with not gaining all the resources you should (at least, I'm pretty sure it does):
http://www.darklands.cx/~duam9/Cartomancer2_13Update.exe (Unzip this in your Cartomancer directory)
As far as Lilly having a zillion Firebolts, that's because Firebolt now has the ability that it returns to your hand after you cast it. (It is now officially The Spam Spell.)
This also means she can end up with more than 3 copies of it if she plays it along with a burning helix (both the original and the duplicate will go into her hand), meaning she'll end up throwing five or six of them per turn at you...
Does #5 always happen?
7-10-2007 07:20PM
Registered Posts: 3
Still some issues with replenishing resources in 2.13, plus it's taking a shit ton of time to load the deck manager... though I suppose it's possible that that's because of my large deck size. I'll get back on that. At some point coming up with a better way to organize so many cards would be extremely cool...
7-10-2007 09:02PM
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