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Demi-God Bradley
Isharian Demi-God
Registered Posts: 19
| Faneglut
Faneglut, a hellish nightmare of a realm where demoness rule and the monsters are twisted, demonic beasts baring almost no resembelance to their fellow monsters in other realms. The sky itself is lit up by twisting flames and large conflagulations, the very landscape scorched black with crimson sands and demonic plants as twisted and horrible as the hearts of the demoness who rule these lands. Underground, countless miles of caves and tunnels go on seemingly endlessy, making up the majority of Faneglut. These massive tunnel networks and planet sized caverns are know as the Shatter, and is constantly changing, collapsing tunnels and new diggings causing the underground scene to be as chaotic as the view up above.
Within these mass of tunnels and caverns is and area that, when mapped, looks like the flower of a girl. These caverns are held by the Flesh Fane demoness, who use the alchemic stones and demonic plants found in these tunnels for their depraved experiements. One of the uppermost caverns in this area is known as Clitoride, for it is located at the clitoris of the sex when mapped. Inside this immense cavern is the city of Scorchskin, the capitol of the Flesh Fane demoness in this area. Building magically conjoured by the demoness fill the cavern, home to nearly two million creatures, most of them either demoness or slaves. The structures themselves are warped and twisted, a chotic architecture of buildings with spires and sharp points and walls that are twisted for seemingly no reason at all. Chaos seems to be primary consistancy is a realm where little is consistant.
Inside one of these twisted buildings lives a demonic flesh manipulator, an occupation similar to the common alchemist except rather than transmute metals and objects to craft their wares, these demonic variants transmute living flesh to create horrible abominations of terror and beauty. Many in the Flesh Fane occupy this class, pursuing their carnal needs for the pleasures of flesh and digestion. Some of these creatures are many tentacled beasts with no eyes and many maws, while others are bloated bags of flesh covered in tits and a large vaginal oppening that empties into it's stomach. The possibilties when transmuting flesh are endless, but the resulting creatures produced by these experiments are called chimeras. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Randi had been a normal girl once, living in a small coastal village in the realm of Prime. She had good friends, great fun, and loads of hot, passionate fucking. That was before the demoness invaded, swarming the village and devouring her friends and neighbors. Those that weren't devoured were quickly shackled and brought back to Faneglut to be sold as slaves. That is what happened to Randi, taken to this hellish landscape and sold to a succubus flesh manipulator. She had been placed within a large pentagram along with a mass Mindflayer Vines, a carnivorous plant that consumes it's prey by raping her mind with telekinesis to keep her compliant while it wraps around her body and begins secreting fierce acids to consume her flesh. Randi had been under the demonic plants influence, her mind being filled with horrific images of plant rape while the succubus began weaving her spells.
When Randi next came to, she was different, way different. She could feel something living inside her, squirming beneath her skin. On her chest was not two but four breasts, and her mind was different, able to calculate and analyze almost without her consent, seeking to fill some unknown hunger. Without meaning to, she struck, tentacles bursting out of her flesh and towards the succubus who stood outside the magic circle. Randi suddenly felt herself prying into the demoness' mind, filling her with visions of being raped and molested by thousands of tentacles along with hundreds of girls within the mesh of tentacles. Before Randi realized what was happening her tentacles had reeled the succubus in and she tilt her head back and stretched her maw enourously wide before stuffing the succubus down her throat and into her stomach. She could see as well as feel the succubus squirming as she continued invading her head, filling her mind with hellish tentacles as she digested the succubus' supple body. Soon enough Randi was squatting down and expelling the remains of the succubus, the thick, mushy shit coiling onto the stone floor before her anus pinched the turd off, leaving the succubus as one smelly pile of shit.
Randi didn't even no what happened, she hadn't tried to do this, to eat the succubus. What was happening to her? Focusing her mind, she realized she could control her body, and with the tentacles still writhing beneath her supple flesh, the four breasted chimera raced out of the structure and into the streets of Clitoride, terrified of not just the demoness filling the streets, but of this mysterious new beast that she has become, and the uncontrollable hunger within.
Attachment: monstergirl26.jpg
Last edited by Demi-God Bradley on 7-9-2007 04:50PM ____________________
Ishara Rule #1: Live to eat, eat to live Ishara Rule #2: No matter how beautiful they are, they all look the same after a few hours in your belly Ishara Rule #3: Keep your friends close, like, inside your belly.
7-9-2007 04:47PM
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