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Registered Posts: 6
On #5
This has occured with more frequency that I feel to be correct. I play with a 80% creature deck, and about 1/3 to 1/2 the time i will start with a hand being more than 1/2 magic, then drawing high end creature and magic for 4-6 more turns
Deck spread: 123 Cards 15-20 magic/effect cards 20-30 High end creatures rest is low end creatures /villagers.
Given the spread I feel that the hands i am being delt are inconsistant. That kind of hand should be an extreme rarity, not almost common.
7-11-2007 04:49PM
Registered Posts: 6
Cartovore 2.13
1) Jennifer (steelgut) still east wierd things. And has interesting digestion issues.
2) Monsters don't get digested properly
3) Card targeting is still inconsistant, though seems to be behaving better.
4) Resources still being lost after playing various cards.
5) The esacpe cards no longer appear to be functioning.
6) Wall class buildings no longer throw error, but still seem bugged. Blocks boths ways for some creatures. Has a stopping effect on digestion which never gets restarted.
7) Card costs can be made negative....... does not appear to effect game play in any manner.
8) In the card manager, in the 'trunk' section (where non deck cards are) scrolling yeild inconsistant results. Usually goes down one row. Other times will skip a row or two, or will shift everything over as it brings up one card.
9) Fayzee is broken as a human card. she eats herself every turn and can do nothing/little else. She uses no abilites what so ever as a computer card.
10) Crystal escaping causes weird ness where the resuced character is still seen as in the persons stomch by that person. Also the rescued is never really eaten again.
11) Hagathas deck/logic bears looking into. this is the third time she has "run out of cards" and stopped playing anything new.
12) Monsters are able to eat girls while inside someone stomach (and I don't mean someone else who was eaten)
13) Fallen is broken. She draws a card for ALL sword type cards played, not just her own.
14) Muffy lacks the border of being a player card.
........) Singular occurange. All digestion when fighting Dasana stopped. Cuase unknown, not triggered by a wall class card. -----Digestion resumed immediately after amking this pot. Conclusion the errors have gained sentience and are actively hiding.
(not meaning to nitpick. I'm trying to help this game be the best that it can)
Last edited by genuis101 on 7-16-2007 09:44PM
7-11-2007 11:17PM
Registered Posts: 1
Sorry, bad English.
When I start new profile(2.1*) and buy starter deck and close shop (hit End Game), I get “Error in QuickStart” message and then “Runtime error ‘13’: Type mismatch” message and game crash, and if I open that profile again I get “Runtime error ‘13’: Type mismatch” message and game crash. And if I use profile that is made in 2.012 and open and close Deck Manager, I get that Runtime error 13 again.
So when game save player profile it is crash. So I thing that 2.1* serials modify player profile something that crash the game. And there is three new line: #WONMISSIONS, #ENDWONMISSIONS and #LASTMODIFIED. So I remove Lastmodifield trait and it is open that profile, and when I open and close Deck Manager it is crash. So error is that lastmodifield trait, so when game save profile it is take that time in your computer clock and if your country use different day settings (as Day.Month.Year), then game don’t understand profile anymore and it is crash.
Lastmodified example in my test profile that crash: #LASTMODIFIED, #24.7.2007 16:23:32#
7-24-2007 05:57AM
Registered Posts: 6
Reporting from the field:
1) Priestess - weird glitch where she would be stated as swallowed in all correct locations, but not actually be swallowed or even swallowable.
2) ... We regret to inform you that resource loss still occurs
3) Jennifer still eats weird things (this will be listed as an error till informed otherwise)
Last edited by genuis101 on 7-25-2007 06:50PM
7-25-2007 06:48PM
Registered Posts: 3
| gurglemeister errors
Crystal gurglemeister's ability message usually displays whenever someone is being digested whether she is in play or just in your deck
Fayzee dives down her own throat at the start of every turn as well as feeding herself to whoever you feed her to. When she is in a stomach she isn't being digested and is still being attacked. And im not sure if this is a glitch or not the desciptions kinda vague you can actually feed her to others while she is still in a stomach.
5-25-2008 06:33PM
Registered Posts: 3
I have found if you play blood fane imps your gold regeneration skips a turn.
5-26-2008 10:57AM
Aspiring God of Vore
Administrator Posts: 72
Man...what a mess. I think I'm going to have to put CV2 bug fixing back on my list of things to do...
7-3-2008 01:28AM
Registered Posts: 4
| A Few Errors
I've been playing around and with it for a while and found a series of bugs, not sure if any of these you already know about so... here they are. Firstly any effect triggered by a a menu bugs and changes itself to MENU:MENU:MENU:MENU etc. (deletes time when effect is activated and effect name, prevents use of ability and adds another MENU on the end every time you try it) I found a long arduous way around this tampering with the game rules though...
Whenever I enter card shop i get spammed with the names of many random leaders, being told i cannot play them as they do not exist.Then for any custom cards I make it won't show the pic in the shop when I get it in a booster (work fine in deck and main game though).
Angel slayer... doesn't work, period. Does no damage and stays in play 'till the match ends. Also any direct damage card targeted at anyone who gets eaten on the same turn it is played does the same =S
A major bug thats annoyed me greatly... I have no control over my custom cards. Now while in the game they work fine, they decide that they want to change. This includes stats reverting to less balanced ones from first drafts, effects changing themselves or simply disapearing. On one occasion I lost an entire card repeatedly, it would just delete itself apart from the pictures and rarity =S
Hope this helps you perfect your work, and just out of curiosity... I've tweaked gamerules slightly, givng effects to angels and my bypass to the bug i had with menus, this won't affect later vers. will it?
Last edited by legendish on 7-18-2008 09:08PM
7-18-2008 09:07PM
Aspiring God of Vore
Administrator Posts: 72
Quote originally posted by legendish
I've been playing around and with it for a while and found a series of bugs, not sure if any of these you already know about so... here they are. Firstly any effect triggered by a a menu bugs and changes itself to MENU:MENU:MENU:MENU etc. (deletes time when effect is activated and effect name, prevents use of ability and adds another MENU on the end every time you try it) I found a long arduous way around this tampering with the game rules though...
Whenever I enter card shop i get spammed with the names of many random leaders, being told i cannot play them as they do not exist.Then for any custom cards I make it won't show the pic in the shop when I get it in a booster (work fine in deck and main game though).
Angel slayer... doesn't work, period. Does no damage and stays in play 'till the match ends. Also any direct damage card targeted at anyone who gets eaten on the same turn it is played does the same =S
A major bug thats annoyed me greatly... I have no control over my custom cards. Now while in the game they work fine, they decide that they want to change. This includes stats reverting to less balanced ones from first drafts, effects changing themselves or simply disapearing. On one occasion I lost an entire card repeatedly, it would just delete itself apart from the pictures and rarity =S
This one, at least, I can help you with. The game has a card updating function built into it. If it finds a newer version of the card, it will use it in place of the older version.
If you use the card editor and duplicate a card, this won't be an issue, but if you're working in the text files, it will. The game determines whether it should update a card according to whether their unique names are the same. If you duplicate a card in the card editor, it automatically gives it a new unique name, but if you copy and paste anywhere else, they will have the same unique name and can be overwritten.
To fix this, change the unique names of your new cards. There is a field for this in the card editor, whereas in the text files, the unique name is the third field after "#CARD" and will contain both the unique name and the card's global ID. For example, Misty Heartspear's entry is "Misty Heartspear65:75231982." To make a new version of her, change the "Misty Heartspear65" part to something else. (It doesn't have to contain the card's actual name.) To be safe, it's also a good idea to change the global ID. Just throw down some random numbers. As long as it's under ten billion it should be fine.
Quote originally posted by legendish
Hope this helps you perfect your work, and just out of curiosity... I've tweaked gamerules slightly, givng effects to angels and my bypass to the bug i had with menus, this won't affect later vers. will it?
That depends on whether you overwrite your version of the rules file when you install a newer version. The short answer is "probably;" it will either remove your changes (if you let it overwrite them) or you will end up running an obsolete rules file (which will probably become relevant, as the rules file changes fairly frequently).
Out of curiousity, what are the additions you made to angels?
Last edited by Duamutef on 7-21-2008 02:20AM
7-21-2008 02:03AM
Registered Posts: 4
Quote originally posted by Duamutef
Quote originally posted by legendish
I've been playing around and with it for a while and found a series of bugs, not sure if any of these you already know about so... here they are. Firstly any effect triggered by a a menu bugs and changes itself to MENU:MENU:MENU:MENU etc. (deletes time when effect is activated and effect name, prevents use of ability and adds another MENU on the end every time you try it) I found a long arduous way around this tampering with the game rules though...
A major bug thats annoyed me greatly... I have no control over my custom cards. Now while in the game they work fine, they decide that they want to change. This includes stats reverting to less balanced ones from first drafts, effects changing themselves or simply disapearing. On one occasion I lost an entire card repeatedly, it would just delete itself apart from the pictures and rarity =S
This one, at least, I can help you with. The game has a card updating function built into it. If it finds a newer version of the card, it will use it in place of the older version.
If you use the card editor and duplicate a card, this won't be an issue, but if you're working in the text files, it will. The game determines whether it should update a card according to whether their unique names are the same. If you duplicate a card in the card editor, it automatically gives it a new unique name, but if you copy and paste anywhere else, they will have the same unique name and can be overwritten.
To fix this, change the unique names of your new cards. There is a field for this in the card editor, whereas in the text files, the unique name is the third field after "#CARD" and will contain both the unique name and the card's global ID. For example, Misty Heartspear's entry is "Misty Heartspear65:75231982." To make a new version of her, change the "Misty Heartspear65" part to something else. (It doesn't have to contain the card's actual name.) To be safe, it's also a good idea to change the global ID. Just throw down some random numbers. As long as it's under ten billion it should be fine.
It's not duplication, what I do is take the finished card and put it in my deck and test it, and after each bug, uber stat etc. I notice i close the game (if i don't it negates changes) and change it. Most of the times this works, but sometimes it will either ignore the changes, or keep them temporarily (until I restart my computer) I make sure I change the card in my collection not in my deck since it will correct the one in deck according to its equivanlent in the collection.
And I added an effect that makes girls feed themselves to angels that are wounded out of sympathy (based on that interactive story from Eka's) and made the trait show on the card.
Last edited by legendish on 7-22-2008 07:28PM
7-22-2008 07:15PM
Registered Posts: 4
| ignore it all
I've put it all down to something with my computer, not sure what though. Diagnosed problem wrong so ignore the whole disappearing stats, cards etc. thing.
7-25-2008 05:32PM
Registered Posts: 3
| Card Editor Error
I've recently started playing Carotvore 2 and I've fell in love with it. Now I wanted to make a card in the Card Editor of myself ^w^ I'm a girl so dont worry. Anyways everytime I select the card image I want and the tumbnail, an error window appears saying "Run-time error '12': Type Mismatch
Now I tested this with many images, even ones that are included in the game and I get the same message. Also when I tried to make the card saving the image for last, every time I click on the dragdown box to pick a trait I get the same error message. I want to know if I'm doing somthing wron or if I need to update the game. I'll really apreciate if you help me.
1-24-2009 11:26PM
Aspiring God of Vore
Administrator Posts: 72
Quote originally posted by Enemene
I've recently started playing Carotvore 2 and I've fell in love with it. Now I wanted to make a card in the Card Editor of myself ^w^ I'm a girl so dont worry. Anyways everytime I select the card image I want and the tumbnail, an error window appears saying "Run-time error '12': Type Mismatch
Now I tested this with many images, even ones that are included in the game and I get the same message. Also when I tried to make the card saving the image for last, every time I click on the dragdown box to pick a trait I get the same error message. I want to know if I'm doing somthing wron or if I need to update the game. I'll really apreciate if you help me.
Erm...that's new. With the image picker, I'd just suggest making sure you always choose the upper left corner and then the lower right corner. (It's supposed to be able to figure it out either way, but it's supposed to be doing a lot of things...) If that doesn't work, you can try making the card graphic in another program (the backs for each of the clans and such should be included with the game). As far as picking a trait, it might be because you haven't loaded a template file so there are no traits to pick from and I was too dumb to have the program check for that. A fairly easy workaround is you can simply type the traits in. It's also possible that they're just busted and I never noticed because that's what I always do.
1-28-2009 04:33AM
Registered Posts: 3
Quote originally posted by Duamutef
Quote originally posted by Enemene
I've recently started playing Carotvore 2 and I've fell in love with it. Now I wanted to make a card in the Card Editor of myself ^w^ I'm a girl so dont worry. Anyways everytime I select the card image I want and the tumbnail, an error window appears saying "Run-time error '12': Type Mismatch
Now I tested this with many images, even ones that are included in the game and I get the same message. Also when I tried to make the card saving the image for last, every time I click on the dragdown box to pick a trait I get the same error message. I want to know if I'm doing somthing wron or if I need to update the game. I'll really apreciate if you help me.
Erm...that's new. With the image picker, I'd just suggest making sure you always choose the upper left corner and then the lower right corner. (It's supposed to be able to figure it out either way, but it's supposed to be doing a lot of things...) If that doesn't work, you can try making the card graphic in another program (the backs for each of the clans and such should be included with the game). As far as picking a trait, it might be because you haven't loaded a template file so there are no traits to pick from and I was too dumb to have the program check for that. A fairly easy workaround is you can simply type the traits in. It's also possible that they're just busted and I never noticed because that's what I always do.
I was doing the clicking part's after I do that is when the error message pops up then it exits out of the game...and I'll try out the template thing you mentioned...I believe I got the wrong error message I mentioned before...I attached a screenshot on exactly what happens...
1-28-2009 07:47PM
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