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Registered Posts: 3
| Using Custom Cards
I've manzged to make 2 cards but how am I so post to make it so I can use it in the actual game...I tried the copy and past the text file but I dont know if I'm doing it right...
3-6-2009 03:13AM
Aspiring God of Vore
 Administrator Posts: 72
Well, it depends on whether you want them to be in the game (giving you a chance to get it at the card shop) or in your collection.
If you made the card in the main card file or in the custom card file, it will automatically be added to the list of cards you can potentially get at the card store, but you won't automatically get any copies of the card. To do that, you need to open up your player file (which will be Cartovore2_[playername].plr, where [playername] is the name of your player profile), and copy and paste the card data into it. You will need to paste the data multiple times if you want multiple copies of the card, and you will need to change the global ID field in each one. The global ID is the number in the third field (it should be "[CARD NAME][a few numbers]:[Global ID]." For example, if the start of the card data is "#CARD, COLLECTION, "Miss Mitterson", "Miss Mitterson64:163845015," then 163845015 is the global ID).
It's basically a simple hack. (I should put something in that will just let players add their custom cards to their collections automatically...)
4-2-2009 12:30AM
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