Out Of The Shadows
A dark corridor. The walls are metal, the lights flicker, it’s a scene usually found in nightmares. There are some bloodstains on the wall. Then a faint moan. A figure shuffles along the corridor, moaning. It was once a man, but he is worse than dead now. His flesh rots, and his eyes are unseeing. He is a zombie, one of the living dead, existing only for flesh. He stays in the shadows, looking for food or others of his kind.
Then a light appears. The zombie moans loudly, covering its face and backing away. The light grows into a portal, and something steps through. It appears to be a woman, but wings sprout from her back. Her face is kind, her body beautiful, her wings white. The light fades. The zombie feels the heat of the living, and begins to stagger forward…
Kiann looked in horror at the mortal, its body twisted beyond all recognition. What could have done this? Some necromancy? No, there was no magic in this world. She was an angel, one who left her home and explored other worlds, universes, or dimensions, sometimes bringing back lost souls.
Kiann shook her head and waved an arm at the tortured soul. A cresent of light flew across the room, cleaving the zombie in two. As it fell to the floor, Kiann heard an audible sigh of relief as its soul was released and sped away from its corrupted home.
“What sort of technology denies death to the dying?” she wondered aloud. The suffering here was so thick, it was almost solid to Kiann’s empathic mind. She decided to acquire a new form, one more suited to this world.
Looking around, Kiann saw a toad-like creature round the corner, attracted by the noise. It stood on two legs, had clawed arms and a large mouth. It croaked with confusion as it smelled the air. Kiann smiled. This would be perfect, this creature was an animal, albeit an unnatural one, and animals could be easily coerced.
It also fitted an angel’s only method of transporting souls perfectly.
She stepped forward and flung a spell that would possess the creature. Instantly she found herself in its form. She felt her rubbery skin. There were definitely sharp claws and long arms, but it could be better. Concentrating, Kiann felt her new body grow, swelling muscles and adding mass. She opened her new mouth, and marveled at its size. Another second of concentration, and she shot out a long sticky tongue, slapping it against a metal wall. The plating came off easily when Kiann pulled her tongue back into her mouth. Summoning a light to test her magical capabilities in this new form, Kiann waddled down the passage. She would find a soul to bring back soon…
Claire Redfield moved slowly along the tunnel. Damn Wesker! Why did he have to kidnap Sherry? This entire mission had been to rescue the little girl, and Claire had volunteered immediately. They had gotten her out of another damn infestation, but Claire had gotten separated in doing so. She had been wandering the underground facility looking for another way out.
“At least the infection is still small, and there’s plenty of ammo,” Claire told herself. “I’m getting tired of these tunnels.”
As Claire moved along the tunnel she heard the tell-tale groans of zombies on the move. In an instant her pistol was up and pointed at the side corridor ahead. Three zombies stumbled around the corner. It was then Claire noticed that something was wrong. The moans seemed desperate, and the zombies seemed to be fleeing from something. Two seconds after the zombies appeared, there was a rushing sound, and then a visible blade of light passed through the zombies. They all fell, sighing.
Claire stood dumbstruck, but her pistol was level. She waited for the zombies to get up, as only burning or complete destruction of the head was the only sure ways to kill a zombie permanently. They didn’t rise again. Deciding that she could handle any sudden zombie moves, Claire stepped over the bodies and looked down the hallway, hoping to learn just what destroyed them.
What she saw was a Hunter, a froglike creature that was one of many twisted Umbrella experiments. But this one was larger than any she’d ever seen; it looked much stronger as well. Instead of the jungle green that hunters normally were, this one was white and held undertones of pale opal. Its eyes were blue instead of red.
This beast was… different. Calm. And it was watching her intently. Claire felt that it was looking at her as something more than a potential meal.
Kiann stared at the young woman who had appeared round the corner. She had been releasing all of the tortured souls she came across, but this woman was far from dead, unaffected by the evil here. A peek at her soul showed that this woman had walked in such darkness before, and had faced creatures not natural on this earth. She had fought against the darkness that covered this place, but such battles leave their scars. The woman had hardly any trust left, and certainly only saw a monster instead of a savior now. Bringing her to Brightwind would not be easy, but she could still be saved…
Claire felt the creature was looking through her mind. She felt dizzy, disoriented.
That hunter, she thought desperately, it’s doing something to me!
Have to… fight!
Her gun fired twice in pure reflex. The strange hunter croaked in pain, raising its arms protectively. Head clear now, Claire began to take more careful aim when the hunter’s claw began to glow. It slashed the air in front of it, and a blade of light flashed toward Claire. She threw herself around the corner, barely avoiding the blade. But her shirt and pants were ripped to shreds as it passed, leaving her naked breasts exposed to the world and her panties as well. She also dropped her bag when its strap broke. Not missing a beat, Claire rose and turned around the corner ready to shoot again, but the strange hunter was turning a corner down the passage. She ran to pursue it…
Kiann rapidly called up a healing spell for the bullets in her new body.
Just because there’s no magic in a world doesn’t mean someone can’t kill you, she reminded herself. That weapon was fast firing, but she had bought a few seconds to think as she heard the woman’s footsteps coming up behind her.
She doesn’t know I’ve added to this monster…
When Claire skidded around the corner the monster had taken, something hot and sticky slammed into her chest, knocking the wind out of her. The next instant, she was yanked off her feet and flew through the air toward the strange hunter.
A tongue! Her mind screamed as her mouth screamed incoherently. She saw a wide, cavernous maw open wide as she flew toward it…
Kiann almost staggered when her long tongue touched the woman’s bare skin. Such flavor! The woman was strong spiritually, but there was a tint of darkness that played on her tongue. But she savored the taste only for an instant.
Kiann felt the woman’s momentum propel her into her mouth, her head and shoulders jamming down her throat. Prying the weapon from the woman’s hand, Kiann began to push her kicking captive down into her belly.
The inside of the hunter was warm and slimy, and Claire found her arms pinned to her sides by the throat of the hunter.
This can’t be happening! Her thoughts flew by in a mad stream. She felt her gun be pulled out of her hand.
How the hell did it know to disarm me?!? This creature is too strong! Her struggles, which had gotten Claire out of much nastier situations than this before, were having no effect as the hunter as it wrapped its cold claws around her butt and started to push her down its throat. The remains of her clothes were soaked with saliva, the warm slime coating her body as she slipped inexorably deeper and deeper. Soon her head and shoulders entered a chamber. Claire saw it was half full of liquid.
I’m in the stomach!
Inspiration flared and Claire squirmed until she got her arms in front of her. Reaching into the stomach, Claire ground her fingers into the walls, getting a tiny bit of purchase against the creature.
You won’t make me your lunch today, creep! She thought as she pushed back with her all her might.
Kiann shuddered with pleasure as she felt the woman squirm in her throat, but sighed internally when she felt her captive dig her fingers into the walls of her stomach. It wouldn’t be fun at all to scrape her down like that. Fortunately, Kiann knew how to make unwilling prey go down easily…
As Claire pushed back with all her might, she felt a claw remove her exposed panties.
What’s it doing now-
“Guh! Oh no!”
Claire felt the creature’s tongue push against her vagina, its heat already making it drip slightly. She craned her neck to look backward, but the esophagus blocked her view. Claire definitely felt what was happening though.
Could it possibly be trying to- oh god no, please no! She thought desperately as the tongue began to rub her vagina. She shivered at the touch, tried to flinch away, but the tongue was inexorable. It kept teasing her clit, gingerly sliding at her fold. She began to sweat with lust and effort. Claire ground her teeth, her thoughts flashing by…
It feels so good!
I can’t give in, got to stay focused. If I do, that thing will push me all the way in! Please let it only be tasting me, please let it stop soon!
Kiann murred as she tasted the woman’s juices.
Love juice is always so sweet!
She heard the woman grunting with effort to remain still. She felt her shaking with pleasure and the strain of penning it up. Kiann tasted her sweat, both that of arousal and exertion.
Such a strong spirit! She thought appreciatively, but I don’t think you’ll be able to hold on for much longer. For several long minutes, Kiann continued licking the woman’s fold, but she didn’t move.
If you won’t give up, I’ll just step it up another notch or two! Kiann grinned internally and pushed her large, froglike tongue into the woman’s fold.
“AAAAHHH!” Claire cried out as the huge tongue thrust itself inside her. Its size was immense, it was covered in saliva, and it was hot!
Oh my god oh my god Claire mind was swimming. It’s so big! I’ve never felt anything like this before!
“Gah! nuh! Noaaaah-uh! Uuuuuh! Ooooh!” The tongue began to move back and forth, back and forth, each motion bringing more and more juice from Claire.
I-I- Oh God I don’t know how much more I can take of this!
She felt her arms begin to sag.
NO! I won’t!
“AAAARGH!” with a savage cry, Claire thrust her arms out with all she had.
I Am Not Going To Let You Do This To Me! The thought rang in her mind.
She would not die this way. She would not.
Kiann marveled at the woman’s tenacity. Her body was shaking with pleasure, her cries echoed in her belly, and still she would not give in.
Time to pull out all the stops, Kiann decided.
If the tree weathers all the storms, send a hurricane! Kiann prepared to use the spell an old lover had shown her long ago.
Claire Redfield’s determination was mighty indeed. She had faced armies of the undead and horrors from beyond the grave without flinching, fought men with hearts as black as the pit, animals whose ferocity was something out of the dawn of time.
Therefore you must understand the magnitude of pleasure that flowed into her body like a waterfall. The creature’s tongue pushed into her very womb, and for a moment squirmed inside her like a newborn.
Then something just snapped.
She didn’t think. She could not think. Her very being was flushed into a river of pleasure. There was only one orgasm, but it seemed to last an age. The scream ripped out of her like a wind spirit who had been trapped for an eternity. Claire felt her very flesh ripple as love juice blasted out of her like a volcano long blocked.
And it never stopped. The orgasm just grew and grew and grew. The scream became a tempest, gallons of juices rushed out of her vagina in an unstoppable torrent. Her very soul was pleasure. Her body was simply a conduit. Claire screamed and screamed. Screamed for it to end and for more at the same time.
Nothing in the world could have done this. It was perfect, not enough, and far too much at the same time. This was the original, purified lust, something the gods had made, then broken into pieces for mere mortals, who could never survive it in its whole.
Just when it felt that her lungs would burst, her fold be torn open, and her soul simply shatter,
It ended.
Claire’s arms fell limp. She was exhausted completely. Her eyes were only half open, her mouth hanging agape. Her mouth and throat felt thick, like they were full. Dimly she realized that a long fleshy blob on a shaft was hanging out of her mouth. Slowly, it drew itself back up, and Claire felt the motion all through her system. The creature’s tongue had gone all the way through her. The fleshly blob was the size of her head, and it slowly worked its way into her mouth and down her throat. Her body distorted grossly as it passed through her system, but Claire was too tired to care. She moaned as it left her vagina.
Kiann gently swallowed the woman down. It was obvious that the spell had done its work.
Perhaps that was a little too much for her, she thought worriedly. There is no magic in this world, so she probably never went through anything close to that. Kiann hadn’t meant to thrust her tongue all the way through her, only into the woman’s womb.
The spell drained all of the target’s energy into one orgasm, but the effects could be severe in a place that had no magic. Using sorcery built up resistance in living creatures on a world, so angels had to be careful on their trips to other worlds, as too much magic in an un-adapted being could cause permanent damage. The woman only seemed tired though. It was amazing, but she was also still conscious! Quietly, Kiann began to listen to the woman’s thoughts.
Claire felt her body slide into the creature’s stomach completely. She curled up into the fetal position. She was beaten. The creature had bested her so utterly when so many others had failed. After all her fighting, all her struggles, she was destined to die in a freak hunter’s stomach. Hopeless.
I’m so pathetic, the thought was quiet. A frog caught me and fucked me so hard that I can’t even move. Tears fell down her face.
I’m gonna die naked in something’s belly. I’ll never see Chris or Sherry again.
She began to laugh quietly.
Didn’t Sherry once ask me where kids came from? I said their mom holds them in their belly to keep them safe until they’re ready to come out! Then she asked me to swallow her to keep her safe in my belly! If only she could see me now!
The memory had Claire laughing until she shook.
Oh, Sherry, I’ll miss you. I’m sorry. The laughter turned to sobs.
No kid should have gone through what you did.
If I could Sherry, I’d take you in my belly, keep you safe from all the monsters and evil men like Wesker, damn his hide. She imagined Sherry deep inside her, and smiled.
Good-bye. Claire closed her eyes and fell asleep, prepared to never wake again.
Kiann listened to the woman’s last thoughts.
A little girl… It was clear that something burdened her soul. She stood in thought as her stomach melted the woman’s body, taking all possible nutrients from it.
I’ll take her back to Brightwind. She’ll find some one to care for her there. I might not be able to lift her soul, but someone will. The woman’s body was gone, but Kiann still held her soul within her. Concentrating, Kiann changed back into her humanoid form. She liked the creature’s form and had decided to keep it. She released the creature’s spirit, thanking it for its body. Then she opened a portal to Brightwind and stepped through.
All the suffering around her suddenly vanished like smoke in the breeze. The sun was shining. Birds were chirping. The air smelled sweet. Kiann sighed as the love and happiness of Brightwind flowed over her. The worlds outside of Duamutef’s universe were almost always full of suffering. No matter what she saw, who she met, what she did, it always felt good to be home.
“Ah, Kiann.” The seraph guard in the area had flown over when she had opened her portal. “Back again from the great unknown?” Kiann smiled.
“Yes, it was quite a trip.”
“Find anything interesting? I’m off duty soon.” The guard’s voice became a little more implicative.
“Perhaps you could tell me your story while we eat…”
Kiann laughed.
“Well, I’ve got to do a report, and take care of, well, a guest.” The guard nodded.
“I can wait,” she told her. “Meet you back here in, say, half an hour?”
“It’s a date.” Kiann smiled broadly. “See you soon.” The guard waved and flew off. Kiann looked back at her stomach, slim now, but the young woman’s soul was still there.
The soul dreamed. It dreamed of darkness. Everywhere there were shadows, and the shadows moved. She heard a voice, crying for help. Everywhere, darkness and fear. The dead rising, people dying, everywhere! They needed help! She plunged into the dark, running to the voice. But the darkness was thick, and it grasped at her, sucked at her, dragging her down. She struggled to go forward but the darkness was rising. The voice still cried. She had to get there. But the darkness was strong, and was beginning to cover her. She couldn’t…
Then motion, abrupt and fast. Something was dragging her out of the dark! There was a bright yet soft light. The light carried her away from the darkness. But the voice was still crying for help! They needed help! But the light took her far from the darkness, away from the voice.
Far away now, the light held her close.
“You carry a heavy burden,” the light told her, “one that you cannot see. You cannot face the darkness. Not as you are. Not anymore.” The light spoke kindly. “You have forgotten much, so in this place you will remember little. But perhaps you will find what you have lost.” She felt that she was being lifted up.
“I can take you no further,” the light told her, “you must find the way yourself.”
“But how?” she asked desperately. “I am strong! What have I lost? I don’t know what to do!”
“Find what you have lost.” The light began to fade. “Only you can… farewell.”
“WAIT!” but the light was gone.