Download the Cartovore 2 Beta 2.11:
Cartovore 2, version 2.12 (37MB)
Update from 2.12 to 2.14 (800KB)
To install the update, run the update file inside your Cartomancer directory.
Note: If you encounter problems with the update, download the full game and install it to a different directory (or uninstall, delete the leftover files and reinstall it to the original directory).
A note to the people who download this: This is not the final version of the game. This is the beta testing version of a game I am making all by my lonesome, which I uploaded in the hopes that people can help me find bugs. Most of the time I spend on it is spent programming, not testing, simply because I don't have time to extensively test the game after every change I make (and many, many changes are required in the development cycle of a game). This is not an excuse as to why the game is buggy--rather, it's a desperate plea for those who download this game and find that it's bugged all to hell to please tell me what bugs you find. I do perform a decent amount of testing before each major release and I fix all the bugs that I find, but anything as complex as a video game with it's own scripting language is going to have more bugs than one person can find at all, let alone a person who is spending most of his time on the code. So when the first thing you try to do reveals a bug or the game crashes right off the bat, please tell me about it!
This also applies to other comments you have on the game. If something about the game just bugs you so much that you immediately uninstall it, that's good for me to know too. Just because it's obvious to you doesn't mean it's obvious to me. Suggestions on how to improve the game are also appreciated. (Even game balance comments are welcome, since I'm almost positive they're lurking in there in vast numbers...) Now, with all that out of the way...
The latest in pervy vore game technology, Cartovore 2 is the 60th Level Tauren Shaman to Cartovore's Level 1 Dwarf Priest.
With better deck control, deeper gameplay, persistant character cards and a host of scripting capabilities that make Cartovore's card editor look like a stone chisel, this game kicks the ass out of the original.
Here's just a few of the features of the new Cartovore game:
Here's a few screenshots to give you an idea how the game works:
Contributors to Cartovore 2:
(Multiple Contributor Sets)
Adamski (Faction Set)
Brad Repko (miscellaneous cards)
Deathworks (miscellaneous cards)
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